From Helen Fry – Community Outreach Worker based at Tedburn Methodist Church
I just wanted to write a little bit to let you know about the part-time role I have been appointed to in the village, and also to say ‘Hi!’ to those people I have yet to meet. I am excited to begin this role formally- it gives me the chance to share my own faith and to encourage others in theirs, too. The role has evolved gradually from some things our church has been doing for several years now, and it is great to be a part of it as a Community Outreach Worker – although I might have to be careful if I abbreviate that….
My role is to help the church to serve the community in a variety of ways; for example through supporting toddler groups and the school, and co-ordinating the Tedburn Kitchen project. We are exploring how our church building can serve the wider community better, too. Other things may develop- the role description is about discovering new ways of ‘being a church’- so some may be unknown to me yet!
I have lived in Tedburn for the past 8 years, having been brought up in Dunsford. I am married to Sam (who has lived around the area all his life), and we have 3 children, aged 7, 10 and 12, who attend Tedburn Primary and QE school. As I write this, we have spent our first morning of home schooling again in the new lockdown- and I am grateful for the fact that the children are now more tech-savvy than I am, and can help each other!! I am also very thankful for the all friendship I have found in our lovely village since I have lived here, and even more so in the past difficult year.
I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Tedburn and what more the church can do. Feel free to ask me about my role, if you see me around the village, or I can be contacted during my working hours of Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday mornings, on 07772 436516, or
Pub is the Hub Information Leaflet
This is a charitable body set up to help parishioners of Tedburn St Mary who find themselves in urgent financial need.
This could be because of bereavement, illness, loss of job, help needed with urgent repairs to property or any other reason when financial help is needed .
If you or anyone you know finds themselves in these sort of situations contact with the Trust can be made via the chairman on 01647 61655 or the secretary on 01647 270099.
All help is given in the strictest confidence so if anyone is in need of assistance please get in touch.
The Trust is there to provide help but we need to be advised of anyone who needs assistance.
Tennis Courts currently closed due to CoronaVirus
We are looking for new members to join our small club. We have two tennis courts at the beautiful Recreation Association field. Twice a week, weather permitting, we meet informally to play. Only basic skills needed, as we are all improvers! Full details are posted at the courts. We also like to encourage hiring of the courts on a casual basis.
If you would like to make direct contact with us, please ring Linda or Gil Bellshaw on 01647 61479.
or email:
Tedburn Kitchen
Can you help with our community project?
The idea is that we give the gift of a home-cooked, oven ready meal to people who might have trouble cooking at the moment, maybe due to moving home, illness, a new baby, or having lost a loved one. The Methodist church provides freezer space and containers for meals. If you’re cooking, you put a few extra portions aside and give to one of our members, to freeze, ready to give when needed. We then co-ordinate delivery of the meals to people who need them, by friends or neighbours.
In our first month we have provided more than 30 meals to local households, and have received lots of lovely thank you messages.
If you can help, with occasional cooking, or (just as important) letting us know of people who might need this, you can contact Helen Fry on 07772 436516, or search ‘Tedburn Kitchen’ on facebook.
Tedburn Kitchen is a project based at Tedburn Methodist Church.
‘Your Tedburn – Our History’
The Little Chapel Trustees and the Parish Council are working together to set up a permanent display of our village history in the Little Chapel which will be open to the public on a regular basis.
As you will know from recent displays in the Village Hall we have a multitude of articles, letters, cuttings and artefacts from the last hundred years or so. We would like to be able to display these for the enjoyment of parishioners and visitors.
We have a number of people interested in helping with the project but we need help with:
- Display of items
- Cataloguing and Archiving
- Management of the Project
If you can help, please contact either Terry Wood 01647 61454 or
Gil Bellshaw 01647 61479 Email:
Need something to do on a Tuesday evening then why not try BADMINTON in the village hall?
Any age, any ability, fun and fortnightly. You never know you could be an Olympic Champion!
Contact Malcolm on 01647 61511.
2nd Tuesday of the month, check the Tedburn Times for dates 7pm-11pm or just drop in.
See you there.
Acorn is looking for volunteer’s to help us continue to support the elderly and vulnerable in our communities. Whilst we live in a beautiful part of the country, our rural location can be isolating for some individuals. Acorn works hard to reduce this isolation by support the emotional and social needs of the elderly.
We are in search of volunteers who can contribute some volunteering time. That could be anything from 1 hour a month to one morning a month.
The services that need support are:
- being prepared to drive clients to appointments such as the GP surgery, hospital or podiatry clinics;
- driving our minibus to Sainsbury’s so our clients can do their shopping (minibus training provided);
- Engaging with our clients at our various services which include coffee mornings, lunch clubs and much much more
If you have any time please do call Jackie Thomas on 01647 252701.

Free service – Tedburn Community Library
Need something different to read without going into town? Come and see our large selection of books and dvds. Open Saturdays 10am till 12 in the Methodist Hall, when possible. No charge or membership required (yes, really. We just ask that you return the books when finished). We are very grateful for extra volunteers and also small donations of ‘popular’ books & dvds in good condition. Any enquiries to Chris on 61311. Thank you.