Councillor Roles and Responsibilities
For the Councillors Register of interests please follow the link below:

Linda Bellshaw – Chair
I moved to Tedburn St Mary in 1990 when my children were still at school. We loved the countryside and the proximity to Exeter. Very soon after I became a Governor at the Primary School and joined the Tedburn Amateur Dramatic Society appearing in a number of entertaining productions. Since then I have been active in a number of local societies. I originally trained as a Social Worker and latterly was a manager in Devon Social Services and then with the NHS, my last role being focused on safeguarding vulnerable adults.

Pat Moody – Vice Chair
A previous Chair of the council with great experience. I have lived in the village for many years.

Margaret Jones
I moved to Pathfinder Village in 2007 having recently retired from my post of 22 years as Youth and Community Worker running a Full time Family Centre in a town on the outskirts of Bristol. I have served on the Council for approximately 9 years. My main interests include my passion for my garden and my love of animals.

Peter Bromell

Jonathon Putt

Louise Taylor
I have lived in Tedburn since 1981. I worked as a midwife in Exeter until retirement in 2017. I was a community midwife for a number of years but returned to the Maternity Unit to become Matron of the Ante/ Postnatal ward, where I continued to work until I retire. I am married with two sons and two grandsons that attend the village school. I am also on the Recreation Committee, secretary of the drama group and sing with the choir. I am also involved with horses and interested in wildlife and conservation.

Josephine Herdman
I am now retired and joined the council once more. Previously, I was a GP at Cheriton Bishop Surgery and a former Chair of the TSM Parish Council.

Jane Moore
I moved from Milton Keynes to Pathfinder Village just over 6 years ago. I worked for Abbey National for 15 years and was a Parish Clerk for 8 years. I have always been an active member of the community I live in.

Jane Clark
Clerk to the Council. I have lived in Tedburn for 11 years. I worked for Royal Mail for 17 years as a Communications Manager and before that, many moons ago, I worked on Devon Life magazine. I took on the role of clerk in May 2018. Call me on 07932 386023 if you need to contact the council or email on
Wanted to question about the children’s play park by the rec. The park its self is in a good state although I feel the stumps where the old climbing frame was is unsafe. ..there are stumps that twice my child has fallen over lucky without hurting herself.
Is there any chance of new equipment?
Some tar mac or bark instead of grass, the park is unusable once the winter kicks in as the grass turns to mud.
Why spend money on gym equipment that I feel will not get the use like new park equipment would.
Hello Mrs E
thank you for your question. New Equipment is being looked into and also a new play area is planned for young children at the centre of the Village at Millennium Orchard at the end of Cleave Close. I believe matting is to be placed around the existing play equipment at the Recreation Ground in the coming months.
I hope you get to enjoy the new area and the play equipment at the Recreation Ground.
many thanks
Debbie Radford-Lewis
Parish Clerk
I would like to contact the Clerk and cannot find her details on the agendas or minutes as specified. Thank you.
I am a nurse at Wonford that recently moved into Woodlands Park
I am aware that the air ambulance are applying for night time landing at the football club beside of us
I am also aware that Woodlands does not have a defibrillator on site with 29 properties
I would like advice on any charities
fundraiser teams that could help us get one
I would do any training
Thank you
Hello. Who do u contact with regards to cars parking along school lane by the grass verge by the council bungalows?
It’s getting increasingly difficult to pass and get cars out of the carpark by winslake meadow.
There is normally 3 cars or 2 cars and a van there, I’ve seen delivery Van’s struggle to get past on many occasions
I apologise but your letter was missed. If you would like to contact me again on 07932 386023 I will be happy to discuss further. For your information, parking is often an issue raised with the council and during the past year we have dealt with several parking related issues, including the introduction of yellow lines, dangerous parking, etc.
I do not know if this is the correct route for communicating
I live at Woodlands and raising money for a defibrillator as we are a vulnerable group
£350 has been raised but stuck at this amount. The total needed is £1500 so way short
Would the council be in a position to place a donation
Thank you in advance
Sally Parnell
12 woodlands park
Hello Sally, thank you for your email regarding purchasing a defibrillator. I will look into this and get back to you. I believe there several approaches to funding one of these machines and I am sure we can help throw some light on this because the parish council was involved in purchasing a defibrillator in the past few year. It was, however, before my time so I will do some research and get back to you. I will also forward your request for financial support to the council for consideration. Do please call me on 07932 386023 if you wish to discuss further. regards Jane Clark (Clerk to Tedburn St Mary Parish Council)