The objectives of the Group are to co-ordinate and organise the enhancement of the Village of Tedburn St. Mary, physically, environmentally and culturally.
The Enhancement Group was formed in 1999 prior to the Millennium Celebrations. A group of us thought it would be a good idea to celebrate the new Millennium with some tangible legacies for the village. We have been active ever since and some of our achievements to date are as follows:-
An avenue of indigenous apple trees planted on the C50 verge coming into the village from both directions.
A local cider press located and erected together with cider barrels to celebrate Tedburn’s long standing connection with cider and local cider farms.
Winning the Calor sponsored Village of the Year Competition in 2001 at Devon, Regional and National level, culminating in being presented with the award at the Millennium Hotel, London by Prince Charles.
The Village of the Year prize money being used as seed corn funding for the new kitchen at the Village Hall, improvements to the Primary School Swimming Pool and Children’s Play Equipment at the Recreation Ground and arranging for this work to be put in hand.
Planting of an apple orchard at the green off Cleave Close, with all the varieties being local Devon Apple Trees.
School children assisting in constructing Willow Structures on the green at Cleave Close and getting local youngsters to maintain them.
Timber Seat in shape of apples at green off Cleave Close.
Planting bulbs around the village.
Construction of a very large willow basket opposite the cider press.
Obtaining the granite trough from the village forge moving it to the cider press and keeping it planted all year round.
Planting other trees around the village, including the Village Hall.
Providing a seat in the Village Hall Car Park.
Moving bulbs from Tremletts to other parts of the village.
Produces shows to celebrate the Golden Jubilee, Trafalgar and several other fashion and flower demonstrations, for general entertainment and fund-raising.
Plus other general items of enhancement around the village to improve the quality of life.