We meet on the first and third Wednesday afternoon of each month at 2.30pm in the Pathfinder Community Hall. We usually have an invited speaker. These cover a wide range of subjects, very often accompanied by a power point presentation or slides. We vary this with the occasional social afternoons with quizzes, bingo, cream teas, etc.
During the meeting there are greeting cards on sale, we have a bonus ball lotto, and a raffle, which all helps towards club funds.
Our gallant team of helpers make a lovely cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit after our speaker has finished!
Our members are a happy bunch of ladies and gentlemen and are always on the lookout for new members. So if you are new to Tedburn, Pathfinder, Whitestone or within the local area and would like to make new friends, please give us a ring or turn up to one of our meetings – You’ll be most welcome. First meeting Free.
To be a member only costs £11.00 for the year and if you are over 80 its only £6.00 that must be the bargain of the year! Plus at Christmas there is the usual Christmas dinner and a Christmas social with eats.
We look forward to welcoming you to your first meeting, no charge.
Angela Paddy, Chairman
Tel: 01647 61934
If anyone needs a lift to attend our meetings please contact Angela and we will do our best to arrange transport